

Stress doesn’t have to be stressful

…but we have to respect it and harness what we can to build resilience.

One-to-One Coaching

My one-to-one coaching programme ‘Bend, Don’t Break’ is a 6-month coaching programme where I work with clients using a person-centred approach to better understand why they feel like they do and what they can do to overcome stress-related symptoms.

‘Bend, Don’t Break’ is a semi-structured coaching programme where I use educational materials to help clients understand the stress process and also understand more about themselves.

When you sign up to work with me on my ‘Bend, Don’t Break’ Programme you will receive:

  • 8 x 60-minute coaching sessions

  • Weekly email support

Cost: £1200 in full (or option to pay 3 instalments of £400)

How to get started…

Sign up below for a free 30-minute consultation where I can get to know a bit more about what’s going on for you and you can ask as many questions about the work that I do.


Is stress management/coaching like therapy?

Yes and no. Coaching can be therapeutic, however, it is predominantly a journey of change whereby you and your coach will help you understand why you feel and do what you do, but the focus is predominantly on moving forward. Together you will agree on strategies and changes that you will implement in order to target your discomfort or difficulties. Your coach’s role is not to tell you what to do. It’s to help you learn and hold you accountable to a new way of living.

Can I have stress coaching if I am already having therapy?

Absolutely. In fact, some of clients are in therapy when they sign up for coaching or have had therapy in the past. Stress management coaching actually compliments therapy by helping my clients focus on practical lifestyle changes that will lower the stress in their bodies and on their minds. Lowering stress can help create space needed to deeper processing, therapeutic work that is often done in therapy.

Do you provide exercise or nutrition plans as a part of your stress management programme?

No not entirely. however, I provide evidence-based advice about dietary and exercise practices that support physical and emotional health when stressed. My clients are guided and mentored on how to implement this advice according to their needs/preferences so that any changes they make are sustainable and don’t add more stress to an already stressed body and mind.

How many sessions do I get?

When you work with me you have 8 one to one coaching sessions that you can use over a 6 month period

Can I use my sessions whenever I want?

Yes. Once you sign up to work with me you get access to my calendar and you can book your sessions as often as you like. Some clients like to start with weekly sessions and then move to bi-weekly or monthly sessions as they progress.

Can I book more than 8 sessions?

Yes, you can purchase additional sessions if needed.

Do I get additional support outside of sessions?

All clients have email support and are encouraged to check in via my weekly check in form so that I can help keep them on track. Clients also receive some worksheets/homework tasks depending on what we’re working on. I also deliver masterclasses which are free to all of my current clients for the duration of their work with me (generally 6 months).